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Why joining ?

The mission of the Yacht Club is to bring together boaters from the port of Sainte-Maxime in order to promote the practice of boating and to develop the spirit of it.


For this, we will first of all allow our members to get to know each other and to exchange with each other. Whether via the Club's private forum, our WhatsApp group, our social networks or moments of sharing between us... we want to exchange as much information as possible allowing for serene and happy navigation.


We then want to build a real spirit of conviviality within the Yacht Club. We want our members to want to meet up in the nautical and convivial events that we organize: outings or trips in groups of boats, rallies, fishing competitions, convivial evenings or any other idea to create a pleasant atmosphere.


We finally want to be stronger together. Grouped, it will be possible to negotiate discounts on insurance, purchases of fittings, mechanical maintenance or repairs. The Yacht Club will also be a privileged link with the port and municipal authorities of the town of Sainte-Maxime, so that the ideas of its members are taken into account in the continuous improvement of the Services of the Port, and that their interests are scrupulously defended.

To succeed in our mission, we need you! 🙂

If you want to have a good time, meet warm, competent and involved people,
get the right information, and influence the life of the Port... Join us!

Your membership will make us stronger, your subscription will allow us to have the means to build a Yacht Club which will offer you the best support.

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How to join the Yacht Club


Toute adhésion payante vaut pour UN bateau et à ses DEUX occupants habituels. Elle correspond donc au (à la) capitaine du bateau ainsi que sa (son) conjoint(e).


UNE cotisation annelle = UN bateau = DEUX adhérents = DEUX fiches d'inscription.


Joining online is quick and easy: just fill out the form below and pay by credit card.



TAny paid membership is valid for ONE boat and its TWO usual occupants. It therefore corresponds to the captain of the boat as well as his (her) spouse.


ONE annual subscription = ONE boat = TWO members = TWO registration forms. The TWO members must complete their TWO registration forms and will pay ONE active member fee and ONE active member spouse fee (free).


A défaut, vous pouvez également passer par nos DEUX formulaires manuscrits ci dessous.

Il suffit de les télécharger, les remplir intégralement et de les renvoyer par mail à l'adresse:


Nous vous contacterons secondairement par téléphone ou par SMS pour vous communiquer la démarche

afin d'effectuer votre règlement en ligne.

Votre adhésion sera validée une fois votre réglement effectué par carte bancaire..

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